Air Assist Clarification

Don’t think I took the one way valve into consideration.

With two bits (OUT2 & OUT4) there is only 4 states, using both off or zero leaves 3 useful states.

Leaves you three states… How are you planning to manipulate the outputs to be able to select each state of low, medium and high?

Part of what confuses me it the naming convention. Hard to relate OUT2 & OUT4 like ‘status’ and ‘wind’ outputs of the Ruida.

Does this look correct?

OUT2    OUT4          Air
  0       0       None
  1       0       low - engraving
  0       1       low - cutting
  1       1       High

The Ruida has a couple of other outputs that the manual states as ‘reserved’… I think they use them for the ‘light stack’ on some machines… Maybe it’s related. I would think these should be pretty much interchangeable from a higher level viewpoint.

Sounds like you have it figured out, if these signals act as described.

Good luck


Cutting low/high pressure is determined by the software air assist switch. Out 2 is always activated during a cut layer but in my set up if Out 4 is closed it forces the air through the restrictor.
Engraving Layers automatically activate OUT 4 and leave OUT2 closed, assuming the sw switch is on.
You are almost right with your logic table but the two low’s should be swapped.
With the Ruida controllers I think you can choose whether the WInd output is active all the time or is activated with the laser. Also the wiring is different - the pin goes to earth with the Ruida.
Outs 3 & 4 are reserved on my controller according to the manual. But Out 1 is broken on my machine and Out 4 works fine. In the MW laser schematic he uses 4.

If you haven’t actually got a similar machine it’s kind of hard to work out. I mean I do have this machine and it’s taken me more than a week!!!

Active is active, ground or voltage, it’s all relative. I’m trying to think ‘above’ the actual hardware wiring.

You can enable and disable the ‘Wind’ sink on the Ruida, but I think that’s the only option.

There seem to be some options you need to run RDWorks to access, but I don’t have a Windows machine so it’s based on what I’ve read on one of the sites.

I learn something new about these controller almost daily…

Good luck

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