Air Assist for XTool - CONTROL by LightBurn

It would be great if LB could control Air Assist on an XTool D1-Pro. Air Assist is mandatory, but occasionally I do wish to turn it off - or automatically turn it on/off.
I found an excellent video to add a relay, but it doesn’t address the XTool.

I asked XTool, but the only answer I could get back was akin to “duh” or “dunno” or “we could tell you, but then we’d have to kill you.”

Does anybody know which pin(s) or circuit board points can be used for external relay control? That would be a great help to many of us!
Thank you…

xTool sells an air assist for your machine, but it appears there is no software control… as there’s a switch on the 110V line to the pump.

It’s doubtful that they would make a board to control air assist and not use it.

The link is for a V1 of the DLC boards, there is a 32 bit version that looks similar. These are configurable for many machines, so it supports air assist via software.

Unless someone knows better, I’d guess your current system has no way for the software to enable a pump for air assist.

Good luck



Probably not.
At least I haven’t found any such information when searching about it.

AFAIK even the xTools own air assist doesn’t support that feature.
The controller they use is very bare-bones, and from what I can gather from their current marketing, it seems that they’ve pretty much forgotten D1 & D1 Pro and directed their focus on the pricier models, so it’s very unlikely we’ll see an upgrade any time soon.
If ever.

Another issue is that obviously the controllers firmware has to support aux I/O as well, and given the pequliarities of their current firmware, I’d be willing to bet that there’s none.
Nor will there ever be :frowning_face:

So, the way I see it is to either live with the inadequacies of the xTool controller, or swap the controller for something better.
What that better controller could be, unfortunately I don’t know.
Not ATM anyway :wink: .



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