ALARM:2 G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. ORTUR with Expansion Kit

Hello, I need your help please.

I just purchased the ORTUR LASER 2 Pro-S2-LF machine, and I also purchased the expansion kit.

The problem is that Lightburn does not recognize the additional area of ​​the expansion kit, ie 400mm (X) x 800mm (Y).

It only recognizes the original area of ​​the machine of 400 x 400, even though when configuring the initial parameters, I indicated that the machine manages a cutting area of ​​400 x 800.

When I try to make engravings, cuts, or simply move the machine outside the 400 x 400 area, it does not allow it, and throws the following error:

ALARM:2 G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked. (Right-click the ‘Devices’ button to reset the connection) On or near line 4:

Does the extension kit come with instructions?

I assume you need to issue $131=800 in Console or update in Machine Settings for this to work.

Hello, Thanks for answering, it did come with instructions, but in the instructions they only indicate that I must increase the Y axis from 400 mm to 800 mm. However, I did this in the settings when I installed the device, and it only recognizes the original area of ​​the machine. I clarify that since I acquired it I installed it with the expansive area.

I assume you did this in Edit->Device Settings. However, that only defines the workspace area in LightBurn. It doesn’t change the machine’s understanding of size.

So either enter $131=800 in Console or go to Edit->Machine Settings and change $131 to 800.

Thank you, I will try it, very cordial for your disposition :pray:

Hello, I have made the adjustments that you indicated, however, it continues to throw the error, I share the adjustments that I made and the error code. Thanks in advance


Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-24 a la(s) 1.47.45 p. m.

Change Start from setting to Absolute Coords in Laser window.

Home, then retest.

Thank you very much, it’s solved, very kind indeed.

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