ALARM:2 in the middle of the cutting area

It’s been happening for couple a days. I haven’t figured it out if it’s a specific spot yet. I can cut squares in the picture. I can cut almost every shape or little detail in the red box (the first 400x400mm area). I haven’t used area above that much since I don’t needed it yet. But here in the second picture where I try to cut some stuff at centered around 400-410 in Y 90-180 in X I get ALARM:2 G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Yet I can cut square at 780-750 in Y 370-390 in X

TLDR: I can cut anything in the first picture. I get “ALARM:2 G-code motion target exceeds machine travel” when I try to run the second picture.

I use Ortur LM3 with extension kit. 800x400mm cutting area.

I can cut these without an issue:

I get the alarm when I try to cut this:

Layer settings:

Device settings:

Can you type
$$ in console, check $130 $131 values?

They are both set to 400.000. I’m assuming these are the dimensions of the cut area in the laser? If so how does it cut points beyond that I marked in the first picture?

Right so you have a conflict of configurations

The laser motherboard has 400x400 but you tell Lightburn is 400x850

Therefore the laser wont go past 400
Press enter in console


Seems like it worked. Thanks a lot!


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