Alarm 3 ( siehe Foto ) - x-Achse Bewegung Problem

$RST=* in console to get all into fatory defaults

Once done, any chance you could get a small video of the Laser machine behavior uploaded so we can take a look and a listen?

Maybe to youtube?
And - while at it, a bit of a cables/wires/belts overview


here is what you asked me to do, except the video, I made one, but could not upload here
How Can I do ? do not know with you tubes

The vibration is like a razer “zzzzzzzz” not too loud and the motor seem to shake at same frequence, it stopps in between and restarts :slight_smile:

Please upload the video to youtube and post the link here?
That is the best way.

I would suggest too - unplug 1 stepper motor at a time.
Just so you can validate which motor is doing the noise. X or Y

What I did:
I unpluged the plugs from the motors x + y, after I connected again and I started the lazer with the image, without any vibration and all fine!!!. After 27min the lazer stopped again, see Konsole message below

After that I restarted the lazer at 27 min and vibration started again and the lazer did not run within expected dimensions, see photo below

After I lazered several times a square boy 100x100 mm. Observations as in the last days: vibration and not within the expected dimensions. See below the konsole messages

This is the box:

I Made a video from the box lazering and I will try to upload in youtubes, will share the link soon

Thanks for your help, hope we can fix this

here is the link to the video.
Note , above 4photos from the console have to be read from below to above ( I posted in wrong sequence )

There are only two real options to diagnose your issue here

a) It is a power issue - your power adapter over time becomes unable to maintain voltage and your controller crashes (seems the most plausible by symptoms)
Easy test - Drop Max power to 1% - run the same job 2-3-4-5 times back to back.
(Safe to leave unattended as there won’t be actual lasing)
Will it ever Alarm 3? If not, and it always finishes your design - then you need to replace your power adapter I would buy one similar a bit more amps.

b) If the above fails, you have something triggering an EMF nearby that is crashing the controller. Can be a fan, a fridge, an appliance of sorts.
I would repeat the test a) but in a completely different location of your house.


So, what I did:

  1. started job with 1% power , vibration, as below described
  2. positioned into other room, pluged into the wall`s power plug just with extention wiring, no fan, no other machines running, started job after $$ enter and $RST=* enter , leading to vibration on x axis only and running not in dimension, see photos and video
  3. power up to 10% in order to show the dimension on the wood, same vibration and out of dimension

By the way:
1)before I started the a.m. jobs I had unplugged and replugged all connectors of the motors and the lazer
2) months ago I had observed at old location that the lazer stopped after I had switched off the light and indeed there is a fridge in that old location ( my room for fridge, freezer and laundery mashine ), but I successfully worked with the lazer for more than a year ( except that one interruption )

What shall I do?

Thanks for your support !!

I have a feeling you have a bad cable somewhere
OR, your stepper driver for X is faulty

Is it possible to swap motor cables. By this i mean
Connect X cable to Y motor, and Y cable to X motor.

Currently the bad noise comes on the X axis motion, IF the noise went to the Y on the cable swap you would know the problem is definitely the X cable, or the X stepper driver (motherboard)
That would at least remove some variables.

  1. I could not swap connectors from x to y Axis, because of wiring tree, but
  2. When I tried again with 1% power in the new location the lazer started nicely from bottom left , on vibration, looked perfect, after approx 1 hour I checked again and the lazer still run without vibration, but fare to the right and outside dimension.
    This video shows my second trial with exact the same behavior.

This photo shows, what it should be

If i had to guess estimate: You have a micro cut on your wiring harness.

And as machine moves along it starts to cause bad contacts. The motion itself causes them, which is why you are losing steps.

The only way to trully validate is by swapping the cable, you would see the issue to swap to Y and not X.

I would get in touch with the manufacturer too for a replacement harness.

Gil, I like to thank you very much, you helped me fundamental. Your last hint guided me to the solution: As the wiring itself seems to be very solid I checked the connection between wiring and connector and there I could see that with the movement of the lazer the movement of the cables had a slight impact to the connector. Unfortunately I had not fastened the wiring enough to the structure of the lazer, hence the impact to the connector leading to the information loss, as you described. After fixing the cables, I could do the lazer jobs without interruption.The large one had a successfull runtime of 8 hours. See photos below. Many many thanks !!! Kind regards, Peer

PS: maybe I will make a video of my luck journey with you 


Awesome news!

Glad you are back lasing :slight_smile:

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