Alarm 9 homing fail (with rotary installed)

I have a OLM S2 PRO and need help…since i Change the settings to adapt the roller and them return to engrave and cut the laser does not work…its blocked…and i dont know how to replace the previous the settings…

I’m going to move this into the public message area.

The picture was very helpful.

Homing fail, and the words that follow show why the homing operation didn’t work.

Homing relies on the engraver moving the engrave head (or laser module) to the home location or origin and the switch being triggered.

The rotary device replaces one of the axis motors, so the engraver can’t reach the switch. This makes homing will every time.

When changing to the rotary device, you will get this error message until Homing is turned off.

There is a setting ‘switch’ to enable Auto-home on startup in Device Settings in LightBurn.
Turn this switch off.
Click OK at the bottom of the window to ensure the setting is preserved.

If this doesn’t resolve the behavior, you may have to turn off homing within the engraver itself.

In the Console window enter the following commands in the text box pressing Enter or Return after each command:

When you’re done with the rotary device and you reconnect the axis motor, you can revert your engraver to the original settings by typing the following into the console window:
then press Enter or Return.

When the controller on the engraver is manufactured, one of the manufacturer settings allows users to keep any changes made to the settings even if the engraver is turned off and turned on again.

The command $RST=$ will reset all the motion settings to the factory presets when turning the engraver off and on again doesn’t.