Can anyone help me with this issue? Alarm 9 Homing Fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pull off on locate phases. I have a Sculpfun S30 Pro Max 20W.
We can try to help but need a lot more info from you first. Is this a new or new to you machine? Has it ever worked properly for you? What have you done to try and rectify the situation? Does this machine have limit switches?
I have had it since May. It has been working just fine. I actually just used it for a couple of projects tonight and then I tried to make another and that is the error I get. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the machine. Yes it does have limit switches.
OK, what is it doing when you get this error? Is it attempting to home like it did before but grinding in the corner? If so, double check that the limit switches are being activated when the machine hits the corner, sometimes they can move out of position, also double check the wiring to the switches. If it is behaving differently, please explain what it is doing.
I was framing a project and then clicked home. It is like it is stuck in one position and jumps back & forth in a very very short distance. All the wiring is fine as I just checked that. I will check the limit switches.
So it is not making it to the edges of the gantry? If it’s stuck in the middle somewhere, that’s not going to be a limit switch problem. That sounds like a problem with one of the stepper motors or drivers.
Try this. Disable auto home on startup if enabled. Turn off the machine and disconnect the USB cable for 30 seconds. Reconnect the USB and turn it back on. Go to the move window and see if you can move in all directions with the arrow keys. You need to move up and right before down and left.
Moves up & down, left & right just fine. When I go to frame it does the same thing. Pretty much stays in one spot but wants to move.
That’s not making sense to me. You say it moves in all directions then you say it stays in one spot but wants to move. It can’t be both. Which is it?
I can move it with the move controls & it moves just fine. When I try to frame or go home it is like it grinds in one spot but moves just a tiny bit.
If you go back to one of the other projects you completed earlier does it work or do the same thing?
I think he is trying to say it moves to home position but not registering limit switch hit.
The S30 has limit switches held down with a screw. There is nothing to keep it from moving if the screw comes loose.
With the laser trolley and gantry out of the way, move both switch levers with your fingers. You should be able to hear an audible click from both of them.
A limit switch wire could have been snagged and broken.
My bet is on the first one because that is a part we assembled.
I was also seeing the alarm 9. I found the wire on the x axis partially unplugged.