Alarm 9 : Homing Fail

Please help. My laser machine has stopped homing when switching it on. How ? I have no idea. It worked last night and now it doesn’t work.

I’ve tried switching Homing off and working it that way, however the laser doesn’t work at all.

I’ve tried manual homing, also doesn’t work.

I’ve checked the wiring by the switches, all is good and making contact as far as I am aware.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Damian,

You can re-enable home at startup by going to ‘Edit > Device Settings’ and re-enabling the switch here:



It is enabled. I’m not sure what else it is. It’s still not working

A mi me esta sucediendo lo mismo, quisiera saber si se soluciono tu problema y como lo pudiste solucionar ??

Agradecería si me puedes ayudar

Not sure if the original problem was resolved but the issue is indicated by the “No Power Supply!” message. Either power is not plugged in or something is not working from electrical mains to the laser, either bad power adapter, no power at outlet or something similar.

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