Alarm lock during homing

My lightburn during homing process aligns on x perfectly but while homing on the y position it makes a loud sound (from the motors) and gets an alarm lock.
I think I know how to fix it (It’s probably the left y axis motor acting up) but I just need a last comfirmation from professionals.

When exactly does it start making noise?
As in when it hits the end?

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When homing it goes left until the horizontal homing switch activates then it goes up until the vertical homing switch activates (this is when the alarm lock activates and stops moving) then it is supposed to go down ~30 cm to end up at 0,0
It starts making noise usually half-way up when the vertical switch is supposed to activate but it has been as late as quarter the 30cm down. a couple seconds after the sound it locks and makes the long beeping sound.

Do you mean 3mm?
Sounds like switch is not being tripped or bad.

this high quality drawing might show you what I mean