ALERT:9 Homing failed. Limit switch within search distance could not be found. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel in search and 5 * pulloff in search phases

Please help. I’ve had the laser for 1 week and have the error.
I accidentally changed something in the machine settings and don’t remember what :-(.
Can I set the machine setting to factory default?
If yes how?
How can I solve the problem?

Please help.

Homing failed. Limit switch within search distance could not be found. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel in search and 5 * pulloff in search phases.
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:Local access point Engraver_63500 started,]
[MSG:HTTP Started]
[MSG:TELNET Started 8080]
[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]
Target buffer size found
Stream is started
[MSG:Program End]
Stream completed in 0:00
Stream is started
[MSG:Program End]
Stream completed in 0:00
Stream is started
[MSG:Program End]
Stream completed in 0:04
Stream is started
[MSG:Program End]
Stream completed in 0:00
Homing failed. Limit switch within search distance could not be found. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel in search and 5 * pulloff in search phases.
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]

How did you make the change? Did you use LightBurn Edit->Machine Settings to make the change?

What were you trying to do when you made the change?

Possibly, but not sure if it’s a safe operation on Atomstack machines so better to be cautious in approach.


  1. What happens during the attempted homing process. Is there any movement with the laser? Please describe in detail.
  2. Check that the laser has been plugged into power and that you’re getting power to the laser.

How did you make the change? Did you use LightBurn Edit->Machine Settings to make the change?
Yes in Lightburn

What did you want to do when you made the change?
I wanted to install the Rotary R3 Pro Rotary Roller and followed a video.
Even though I reversed the setting, it doesn’t work.

Can you address the additional 2 questions please?

E.g., the laser is in the middle of the working field. When I turn the device on, it beeps as usual.
Then I turn on Lightburn.

When I then tell the laser to move to the starting point, it first moves to the right/front and then left to the starting point.
Then the error message appears.

Does your machine have homing switches? Previously when you turned on the laser, would it home automatically?

How are you doing this? Are you pushing the “Home” button?

Check one thing:
After the failure, if you use the jogging controls in Move window, do all the controls work as expected? Left moves left, right moves right, up moves up, down moves down? If not, what is different?

I have the Atomstack S20 Pro.
Autohome when booting is disabled.

I press the home button.

When I press the arrows to the right, left or up and down I hear the device saying it wants to execute the command but it doesn’t do it.

Here’s what I think is happening:

  1. You inverted either the $3 stepper motor direction on the X-axis or the homing direction for X-axis on $23.
  2. However, since the jogging controls aren’t working for you it’s hard to say which.

I’d suggest getting homing work first to determine this:

  1. Go to Edit->Machine settings, then toggle $23 Homing direction for X-axis setting.
  2. Home machine
  3. Check jogging controls.
    3a. If they are reversed on X then: Revert $23, then toggle $3 X-axis; rehome and retest jogging controls
    3b. If they are correct then you’re good to go

Nothing changes. The error message still exists

What did you change and what exactly happened in response?

When you push home, describe the motion as exactly as possible please.

I push the laser sled to the top right…press home and it takes the direct route home.

The carriage moves down and the laser moves to the left. However, it is very loud.

I push the laser to the top left and press Home, then it first moves to the right and finally to the starting position.

What changes did you attempt?

Move the laser head to the middle, then press home. What happens?

Tengo el mismo problema tengo una atomstack a20 pro cuando mando el láser a home es eje x se mueve hasta la orilla hace como un rebote y me marca alerta 8 y se detiene la máquina, me podrían ayudar?

Alarm 8 says the machine did not move far enough to clear a limit switch. Enter $27=5.000 in the Console window and see if that helps.

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