I have 3 different lasers. My 40 inch Universal engraver, 3018, and the NEJE MAX 3. I can produce good portraits with the NEJE but with the Universal engraver everything I do skips lines.
Start by tightening all screws, belts, nuts and so on. If no improvement, it might be a faulty stepper driver.
Has it worked before? what changes might you have done?
When skipping lines, does the laser move along those line with no power on or does it travel the distance and start from there?
Its brand new. The laser doesn’t move on its own and it follows the programmed design or portraits. It does this at 318 to 600 dpi but isless visible at 600dpi with the extended time. Everything seems tight and clean. I moved it away from the wall where I originally placed it as it was rubbing the wall as it moved. This helped but the lines remain.
The last image you shared shows the laser moving correctly and representing some amount of scale. I’d be inclined to try and check the wiring for your laser source; it’s possible the wiring is loose or has a subtle break resulting in it cutting out.
The first images make me think that you’ll also want to check belt tension, and that your pulleys are tight on their shafts respectively, due to a small amount of what seems to be slop in the motion.
A new laser can be a wonderful tool, and also a headache to get dialed in just right; at my old job I spent a week fighting a loose pulley issue on a laser much more expensive than I’d ever wanted to deal with. No one is immune to the silly stuff.
Thanks to you both for your advice. The problem that I have is that this machine is at my brother’s house 200 miles from where I live. I travel down on weekends to work with him on our cnc-3018pro, cnc shapeoko router, and this 40 inch laser engraver. I have my own neje max 3 here at home with me and I have learned a lot. I’ve discovered that, the more I know reveals to me how much I do not know.