All On / All Off Switches

Hey there again.
I’m back with more annoyance.
So can we change the way that we select the visibility and output of layers from ON/OFF switch?
This may sound confusing but anyone who is familiar with the layout of output switches in a DAW will understand what I’m talking about.
Everything is always “ON” ( output ).
You have switches next to each track ( layer ) that either solo ( only one one ) or mute ( only one off ).
The purpose is to make turning other tracks ( layers ) OFF faster and more convenient.

In addition to this, there is often an indiscriminate ALL ON / ALL OFF switch that defaults everything to either setting.

Lightburn is awesome, but the Output / Show / Air switches are just soooooo small and I’m clicking them very frequently. I avoid using the mouse as much as possible when I’m linked with my machine because for another reason, there’s a but in Lightburn where when my USB is active, the touchpad / touchscreen doesn’t work correctly and I’m forced to use a mouse input. For this reason, I use as many keyboard shortcuts as the software will allow.

Lots of love to the community, you all rock


The suggestion is interesting - especially being from an audio engineering background I can relate to the asked behaviour.

I’d suggest going to our Feature suggestion website and posting a suggestion, so others can upvote too if they agree. We use this tool to help guide our developer team on which features to work on.

Thanks for the prompt reply (:

Nice if you tell us what DAW means?

Is this what you want?


Digital audio workstation

Thanks … it’s sure not cnc or laser related.


Granted, but the way the layers are approached is - to some extent similar.
Each layer (channel) can be muted or made Solo.
If you have 10 layers. having a solo button is great as with 1 press you disable 9 and keep 1 active.

Toggle all ON / Toggle all off also useful etc

The DAW reference was a software approach comparative i guess.

It can be if you are building one! :joy:

How can this be related to an audio system? Just my ignorance here.


You are messing with me, right? They made these with control panels and circuit boards before there was a GUI interface.

If that’s directed at me, I have no idea what you mean.


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I also agree with the idea and see that it would make usage more convenient.

Maybe you can also optimize your workflow because I rarely click on those buttons. I heavily use “cut selected graphics only”, maybe that’s another way to go. Just popped up in my head :slight_smile:


This is a good idea. Thumbs up. :+1:

I’ve made a number of changes for the 1.8 release:

  • Output and Show toggles are larger
  • Toggles are now left-aligned instead of centered
  • Decimal places are only displayed for values less than 10
  • Right-clicking a layer will give the options shown below:


And in case you weren’t aware, right-clicking the layer header shows the global options, which have been there for quite a while. If you right-click the ‘Output’ header you get these options:

… while right-clicking on the ‘Show’ header gives these options:

You also get similar options for the ‘Air Assist’ column.


Having posted that, I feel like having the header pop-ups be “column sensitive” makes them less easy to discover. Would you guys prefer what’s in the post above, or like this:


  • Show options relevant to the column I clicked (old way)
  • Show all options in a single menu (new way)
0 voters

Also the air-assist column has a fixed minimum size like the others but bigger.
Also would be good to have a modifier key to right-click and flash the layer.

The right-click will no longer flash the layer - It’s now in that pop-up menu.

The air assist column is the last column, and the last column is always stretched to fill the window:

This is on a device without air assist:

On the 1.8 version, since the toggles are now left-aligned instead of centered, this is no longer an issue:


Whoah this is rad, my suggestion made it lol this rocks!
Can we make middle-click flash the layer? I also use that feature quite a bit lol, it’s really great software!!!

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I’m so excited for this !

I use the CSG function a lot as well. All of these options have their uses. I make a lot of projects that have multiple PHYSICAL layers stacked on each other so I’m kind of all over the board with view options.
Which reminds me of an old suggestion I had about the “CTRL+SHIFT+A” shortcut to focus selected graphics… Adding a zoom offset to that would be amazing. I’m using the shortcut but always having to zoom in at least 2x.