Am I able to start job at a different point?

Is there a way to start engraving in the middle of the job? I engraved a cutting board and the top of my S is not filled in correctly. I am redoing the whole job, it takes 2.5 hours, and would like to know if I can set it at a certain point to start instead of starting at the beginning?

There are various strategies for restarting a job midway. The general approach would be to use the “Start here” functionality that’s available in Preview window.

Step through the simulation until you get to the point where you want to restart. Then use “Start here” button to start the burn from that location.

Note that this assumes you have not moved your work piece and that you have not lost your laser position. If you can reliably rehome to an exact position you might be able to get a seamless or nearly seamless transition. I’ll caution that it’s very difficult to estimate the exact spot of the restart point.

If this strategy doesn’t work for you can you take a picture of your burn and a full screenshot of LightBurn and post here? Will help inform what other strategies might be available.

Thank you so much!! I will try that!

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