AnnoyTools - Alarm3

I’ve got the AnnoyTools 4540, bought from a friend.
It’s been working great, had it all working fine, it’s cut 3mm MDF fine.

Since last night I am constantly getting the:
Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.

I have change shapes, used simple circles. Tried a different laptop, etc.

Any ideas/tips?

Does your art work push the engraver close to the x or y limits?

You may be experiencing something similar to this:

Please share some pictures of what you’re seeing (produced by the engraver) and a screen capture of your art or image as shown on the computer screen.

If you’re not close to the edge, the next steps are to call for reports from the Console window.

Just trying this:

Starting stream
[MSG:Pgm End]
Stream completed in 0:01
Starting stream
Layer 3mm MDF Engrave Line Pass 1 of 2
Layer 3mm MDF Engrave Line Pass 2 of 2
Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.
On or near line 13:
Stream completed in 0:00
Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]

; LightBurn 1.2.01
; GRBL device profile, current position
; Bounds: X0 Y0 to X27 Y28
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
; Cut @ 1000 mm/min, 100% power
G0 X0Y0
; Layer 3mm MDF Engrave Line Pass 1 of 2
G1 Y28S1000F1000
G1 X27
G1 Y-28
G1 X-27
; Layer 3mm MDF Engrave Line Pass 2 of 2
G1 Y28
G1 X27
G1 Y-28
G1 X-27
G1 S0
; return to starting pos
G0 X0Y0

This is very interesting. Your g-code is commanding relative moves instead of coordinates. If your device interpreted the X0,Y0 as 0,0 and X27 as 27,0 it may be interpreting Y-28 as 27,-28 sending the device out of bounds. Please screen cap the Laser window so I can see what you have selected for the Device that you are communicating with.

Will do so tomorrow.

I’ve stripped the board off to ground everything for good luck :sweat_smile:

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@JohnJohn it looks like it may have been a ground issue.

I stripped, grounded the board, and changed the power supply to one I had for my 3D printers, 12v 20a, with grounding, and it worked.

Will do some more tests and see.

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