Another Stab at Engraving

I followed The Edge of Tech tutorial using a picture from Internet and his settings. It turned out a bit on the light side so I ran it again. Instead of two passes should I have just upped the power?

Two passes means you doubled the energy put into the material. More power and 1 pass, or a second pass at reduced power.

In my opinion…

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Well, I have engraved the lion, adjusting speed/power about four times. Still like the first image with two passes the best. I have a border around the image (set to cut) but only on the fourth try did it cut? Oh crap, now I am trying to engrave an image from the Internet and having "Not enough Extend Space.

Who do I call? Call my little brother AGAIN. This weeks calls: fix leaky faucets, laser problem, hose connection problem, and another laser problem. Mind you, he is my brother, not my husband…

OMG, I changed the Angle in settings, no more Extend Space error.
Did two engravings at 350/50, not crazy about results in either.

Reduce your overscan and looking at your lion image it appears very smoke stained. Are you using air assist to blow the smoke away.
I always pretreat the wood with backing soda to get a better black and white image.

I use air assist on everything, whether I need it or not, and will try the baking soda method soon. Thanks, Lucie

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