Hi all,
I’m new to this forum and probably just making a bone headed mistake, but I’m having a real issue with installing a new camera (a generic 8mp non-fisheye ROC camera). I had a different (generic ROC) webcam “wire tied” to a 2020 frame over the bed of my Sculpfun S9 extended frame and it calibrated and worked fine. My current issue with this new camera (that can actually be mounted without wire ties) follows:
When I calibrate everything goes well - all images are accepted only if below .2. When I go into the alignment wizard is where I have issues. I create a target pattern (and I’ve done this and recalbrated at least 4 different times) but when I go to the next step, the top of the alignment pattern is out of view so I can’t finish the alignment - Even though I didn’t think it would work, I tried moving the test pattern, but that obviously messed up the overlay. I’ve tried to reduce the pattern size to 50% but that just brings the base up so the upper two targets are still out of range. Oh, after I cancel the alignment wizard the alignment pattern is centered in the camera image. One other item to note, I just upgraded to the latest version of LB on 10/20/22 - Yesterday - prior to upgrading the camera and did Not check to see if the old camera still worked.
Please help, what am I doing wrong? Is there a way to offset the base so the printout will be lower in the field?
Thanks so much in advance for any guidance you can lend on this matter
If you need pictures of the setup, let me know and I’ll upload what you need.