Anyone hace any experience with this controller from Doesbot with VFD interface

Since I can’t leave well enough alone and want the ability to control spindle speed without getting up…

I found this doesbot 4 axis that has vfd control through a 0-10v port and will even take 8825’s. I am also going to try it with the ESP8266 ESP-07 WIFI UARt. It has some great features with optocouplers for the drivers. It does run the CH340 usb chip though.

Any problems with it anyone is noticing.

I am also wondering how many amp 24volt (since I am running 8825’s as I understand it you need 24 volt to run them) power supply I need to run to run the board and the steppers since The vfd is powered seperately.

Read this Git maybe add some info/options to the table.