Arching Text Removed from Most Recent Update

Running Lightburn 1.5.06 and the Option to ArcText in Selected Area of Text (the Square to Do SO) is No Longer There… :frowning: Appreciate ANY Help… and Thank You in Advance

The blue dot?

This dot?

Just to confirm, here we show the ‘Blue Dot’ used to “bend” text using 1.5.06 running on a Mac. :slight_smile: Show us what you are observing.

Interesting. Blue Dot location is based on X0 Y0 corner?
mine appears on the opposite side by default, but unsure if that has any consequence or reason why

You can drag the blue dot anywhere you like. :wink:

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I can screw up a peanut butter sandwich… but I still have the blue dot!


Using Windows and For Some Reason for This Design I’m Working On has No Blue Dot :disappointed:

Correct me if i am wrong but isnt that a Image? or maybe a vector shape?

You can only do it on text created with TEXT tool

In your image you have grouped shapes, curving text only works to curve texts precisely, ungroup it and if the shapes are text, you will see the blue dot. Otherwise you can try the warp selection or deform selection option.


No it’s Arial Black Font

Post the save file here, please.

Then we can work the same data set that you are working, and we can find where the difference is.


@NamesToRemember, I see this post has been marked ‘Solved’. Is this your mark? I want to ensure you find the correct answer to your question.

Yes, gnukleo Pointed Out My Error…Thank You All for Your Input, Can Never Learn Enough…Thanks Again


YOU THE MAN!! Thank You for Pointing Out the Process…


You’d have to be f’ed up like a soup sandwich, to mess up a pb&j sandwich. Lol

All it would take is using chunky PB or grape J.

Obviously the only correct PB&J uses creamy and strawberry. Those chunky grape people are degenerates.