Art Library issues

I am in trouble, after a lightburn crash, dont know why, lost all my art library. I have all the files, but lightburn crashes opening them and when I do succeed in loading some, nothing shows up or there is only letters and signs or lightburn crashes

I am in trouble, after a lightburn crash, dont know why, lost all my art library. I have all the files, but lightburn crashes opening them and when I do succeed in load some, nothing shows up or there is only letters and signs.

I rely on my libraries, please help.

Please share an example Art Library file that produces this, and we can take a look. If you’d rather not share in public, send email to, include a link to this post for context, and we can go from there.

I cannot upload art library files, I have sent email

I’ve replied to your email - The file you submitted is not a LightBurn art library, but a program or DLL file:

This path was found in it: amd64fre\external\msf\sync\src\dll\dll\objfre\amd64\EntSyncFx

That’s about the only identifying mark I could find, but it looks like something overwrote the library file. Do you use any sort of network sync system, like iCloud, Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc?

As an FYI, you can add ‘.txt’ to the end of the library file to post. :wink:

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