I am in trouble, after a lightburn crash, dont know why, lost all my art library. I have all the files, but lightburn crashes opening them and when I do succeed in loading some, nothing shows up or there is only letters and signs or lightburn crashes
I am in trouble, after a lightburn crash, dont know why, lost all my art library. I have all the files, but lightburn crashes opening them and when I do succeed in load some, nothing shows up or there is only letters and signs.
Please share an example Art Library file that produces this, and we can take a look. If you’d rather not share in public, send email to support@lightburnsoftware.com, include a link to this post for context, and we can go from there.
I’ve replied to your email - The file you submitted is not a LightBurn art library, but a program or DLL file:
This path was found in it: amd64fre\external\msf\sync\src\dll\dll\objfre\amd64\EntSyncFx
That’s about the only identifying mark I could find, but it looks like something overwrote the library file. Do you use any sort of network sync system, like iCloud, Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc?