Hi everybody, I bought an atomstack A5 30w from banggood. Running lightburn, which is a joy but I have now noticed that the laser doesn’t make a straight line on the x axis…
The Y axis. is perfect but the X axis is wavy with a constant pattern.
I ask here before I return it, in case I could fix it, cause it’s quite a nice unit, but I can’t use it as it
I donk know but I had to fit mine myself so I guess if you tighten it so it is completely taut and try it again to see if that helps. Also check the laser head is tightened correctly.
It’s possible that the line thickness difference between vertical and horizontal lines is caused by the focal pattern of the diode. The pattern is typically asymmetric and looks more like a dash than a dot. However, your example seems excessive.
How have you created your test lines? Make sure that you don’t have 2 lines stacked on top of one another and that you are using the same speed/power for both vertical and horizontal lines.
One test to try on the X-Axis lines: Aim a camera where it’s viewing straight through the X-Axis, so you can see basically just the profile of the X-axis gantry. This would be done preferably on a tripod or somehow mounted where it’s stable and not moving. Take a video as the head travels across the full length of the X-Axis. Rewatch the video at high speed and look for any motion but specifically lateral motion. The high speed will exaggerate any motion and this should help indicate where the motion is coming from.
I suspect one of your rubber wheels is mounted lopsided or not uniform in shape but more evidence would be helpful.
You can see the actual movement but cannot determine the cause of it?
Look really carefully and see if you can isolate the source of the movement. There are not many mechanical touchpoints so is manageable.
Check the rail to make sure it runs straight. Check the grooves to make sure they’re straight and nothing is stuck in them.
Try moving the laser head by hand to see if you can feel the source of the movement. This may be an issue of just tightening up the gap between the wheels and the rail. Don’t move the head too quickly as it can actually feed current back into the board.
In any case, isolating the root cause will be important in determining how to resolve the issue.
Also, what speed are you running the head for your test? Keep it nice and slow until you’ve sorted out the issue. If it’s only an issue at higher speed that could be point to specific issue.