Nothing wrong, but you added a much larger laser head that is hitting the frame / rails before the home switches can trip.
Take a look in that corner to find out what’s preventing the home switches from tripping. Most likely, you must move the switches toward the laser head’s position when it’s in that corner, so it hits the switches before the frame.
I would agree with ednisley on this one. First look to see if the limit switches are contacted before the laser hits the frame. Another check is to manually press the limit switches while the laser is homing to make sure that the switches work.
Yes, I found the limit switch. With larger laser, it is not touching. I do not have a way to move the switch closer to where it should be. Any advice how to do this?
Perhaps you can glue a block of material to the laser head that sticks out far enough to trip the switch when the head is at that end of the laser.
Basically, you must regard the machine as a parts kit that closely resembles the laser you want. If moving the home switch to a new position requires drilling a hole in the frame for the switch mounting screw, then that’s what you do.
Tengo una Atomstack A30 pro, a mi me paso algo parecido estando en marcha la cortadora y el cabezal en HOME al iniciar un marco de la misma medidas que la cama 400 mm X 400 mm, al empezar se desplazaba hasta IR AL INICIO, (30 mm eje Y, 20 mm eje X) y como es normal al realizar el cuadro de 400 X 400 llegaba al final y hacia el sonido de intentar seguir los 30 mm que le faltaba hasta el fin del eje x y hacia arriba al llegar al final de Y lo mismo ruido por valor a 20 mm y cuando bajaba hasta Home por el eje Y pasaba separdo de este 30 mm SOLUCION
en la consola de Lightburn teclea G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0. y ENTER y apartir de ahora mi cabezal comienza en el milimetro 1 de los 400 del eje X . espero que te sea util. saludos