Atomstack MR20 controller firmware Faulty need Backup files please

Hello all, My Atomstack fiber MR20 motherboard/ control board come faulty, I have been in chats with aliexpress, and and i’m getting no help on this issue as they will not send me the firmware for this unit. I have tried many other firmware on this system but I can not get power to the motors on the firmware, I have also tried the list below with no luck.

I will add the links as some of you might be interested in trying out different firmware and software.
Edit: I have learnt that you can not use MKS Laser tool to backup files as it can only install different firmware

MKS Laser tool Note: MKSLasertool installer. This is not in English but uses the typical prompts.


Grbl Esp32

If you have this firmware msk laser tool will let you back it up, could i please get a copy of the firmware please.

If you have never used Github, files can be tricky to find at first, as there is official packages and then there is the Code you can download as a zip file if there is no official files under packages.

Edit sorry i put the wrong controller in, it’s not the E85 I need, it is the MR20 firmware sorry for the confusion

We only have a few MR20 users I can recall. May be worth searching for posts on that unit and messaging direct or tagging them here for more focused action.

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Thanks @cggorman did not think of that I will add some people hoping someone can help as i been trying to get the firmware for 2 months now.

Hi guys could any of you help me out please?

I’ll try this out and see if I can pull a copy of the firmware off and get it to you later today. Although, I am pretty sure it’s the same as the S20.

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Hello @bwbrooks20231 I would appreciate that very much, Thank you

I found this atomstack-a-x-s20-pro from one of the forum members websites. I will try it out as well, if the s20 is the same controller.

So sorry, I no longer have this machine, so I can’t help you.

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I can’t seem to get the MKS Laser Tool to create a backup of the firmware, but I’ve used my S20 controller to drive my fiber laser, and everything on the controller is the exact same as the one that came with my MR20.

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Maybe show some pictures of the board. I don’t know it. The GitHub screenshot you show is from Skorpis fork of the FluidNC firmware, that’s not the official version. Go to the FluidNC website / wiki and download from there. There you get binaries as well.

I don’t think any of those tools provide the ability to download the firmware from the controller. Maybe the original Espressif-tools allow this, I did not check.

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Thank you everyone, I will try the laser in the morning i have flashed the firmware already with the a/x/s20 firmware.

@bwbrooks20231 Yeah thought it was that tool that did it now i’m not quite sure. Thank you for trying, but i did find a YouTube clip that will teach you how to backup esp32 firmware. :face_with_peeking_eye:

@adamskib Np, Thanks for your reply.

@misken yeah thanks i will look at that wiki. I say your right I been playing with that many programs I maybe got mixed up while trying to get it going. By the looks you do need the Espressif-tools from the YouTube clip below

Sorry I’m of no help, I do not have an atomstack laser.

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I tried this last time below but, it did not work. I will try again if i can get the new firmware to work I will try FluidNC again

I will try the File on your site also too see if that will work better

board: LaserBox ESP32 v1.0
name: Atomstack X20
meta: (20.02.2024) by Sprinteroz
engine: I2S_static
idle_ms: 25
pulse_us: 4
dir_delay_us: 1
disable_delay_us: 0
shared_stepper_disable_pin: I2SO.0
steps_per_mm: 80.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 6000.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 1000.000
max_travel_mm: 850.000
soft_limits: false
cycle: 1
positive_direction: false
mpos_mm: 0.000
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_mm_per_min: 3000.000
settle_ms: 250
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100

  limit_neg_pin: gpio.36:low
  hard_limits: false
  pulloff_mm: 1.000
    step_pin: I2SO.1
    direction_pin: I2SO.2

steps_per_mm: 80.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 6000.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 1000.000
max_travel_mm: 800.000
soft_limits: false
cycle: 1
positive_direction: false
mpos_mm: 0.000
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_mm_per_min: 3000.000
settle_ms: 250
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100

  limit_neg_pin: gpio.35:low
  hard_limits: false
  pulloff_mm: 1.000
    step_pin: I2SO.5
    direction_pin: I2SO.6


bck_pin: gpio.16
data_pin: gpio.21
ws_pin: gpio.17

miso_pin: gpio.12
mosi_pin: gpio.13
sck_pin: gpio.14

cs_pin: gpio.15
card_detect_pin: gpio.39
frequency_hz: 20000000

flood_pin: gpio.4
delay_ms: 2000

pin: gpio.2
check_mode_start: false

must_home: true

pwm_hz: 1000
output_pin: gpio.22
disable_with_s0: false
s0_with_disable: true
tool_num: 0
speed_map: 0=0.000% 1000=100.000%
off_on_alarm: true

Hi @Skreelink Np, thanks for letting me know cheers.

Thanks everyone for you help and input, It turns out the board is faulty here are photos and videos.
The video’s of it not working, on the e85 bed the “Y axis” is not going it jitters sometimes but will not run, also the “X axis” is running rough, due to the faulty control unit.

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