Atomstack X20 Pro cutting/engraving text fails miserably

Hello there!
I recently bought a used X20 Pro. Everything works just fine with LaserGRBL, but then I wanted to try Lightburn for easier moving and arranging individual parts and optimizing paths and because it’s the undisputed overall superior software.
Problem: The result looks like this:

That should read ‘Test’, engraved as lines on a 3mm MDF board.
Not only is the text illegible, but to top it all off I used 50% power at 1500mm/min for this. Setting the laser to F=1500 and S=200 in LaserGRBL (same speed, 20% power) usually did the trick on the same material, this time said settings didn’t even leave anything visible.

What went wrong here?!


This is indicative of a license validation issue. Make sure you only use copies of LightBurn downloaded directly from the official site at

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Oh, well that’s quite an easy solution now. Should’ve tried the trial version fist before sailing straight into ye olde familiar waters :pirate_flag:
Thanks for the quick answer, installing the official download really did the trick!