I have an Atomstack X20 Pro just setup new out of the box, in the official AtomStack case.
All seems to be working and is connected to the PC fine, Lightburn installed and all talking to the machine.
I am testing by drawing a couple of simple lines and some text, setting it to various power between 20% &100%. Cutting speed set right down to a crawl.
The machine is only producing a small blue dot (the same dot that LaserGRBL software turned on to show position) but nothing else.
Also trying to burn / cut the simple test patterns provided with the machine, machine in stand alone mode produces same result so im pretty sure its the machine and not any Lightburn settings.
I have checked the settings for S Max when compares to $30 and both are on 1,000.
I have checked all connections on the device (especially the 4 way to the laser head) and all seem fine.
One thing I’m noticing is that you’re using the wrong device profile. You’re using GRBL-M3 but you should be using just standard “GRBL”. This shouldn’t cause the issue that you’re seeing but let’s remove that as a variable.
Push Devices button in Laser window. Click on your laser, then edit. Change to “GRBL” profile, then Next until done.
Test laser
If that doesn’t work, can you resave the Gcode file and reupload?
Hi, setting changed. Same result when testing again.
(Very fine laser dot where would expect the cut to be but all moves along the path to cut as expected)
File attached square 2.txt (16.5 KB)
New to this but as far as im aware $30 should be 1000. I queried it from the console by sending ‘$$’ and it brought back ‘$30=1000.000’ (with all the other settings).
No it did not work in LaserGRBL, same results.
No i don’t even know how i would make a config change, i will look at resetting the machine controller to default.
Thanks for your help this far, i think i may have a faulty laser unit.
This endlessly frusatrated me until I FINALLY found the answer online. Under Edit->Device Settings → “S-value max” was set way low (250). Guess when Lightburn aitomatically detected settings, it didn’t get that right. It should match the value in Edit->Machine Settings → “Max spindle speed (RPM),S-Value max ($30)”, which for my X20 Pro is 1,000. Even though my GCode was displaying $30 of 1,000, it was really instructing the machine to cut at 1/4 the power.
Im currently having the same or similar issue. Engraving basswood at 20% with LaserGRBL no problem, 20% in LB not even a light mark. Dont know how or where to fix it…about to give up…