Atomstack X30 Pro can do marking of animal tag on aluminum tags?

Hi, I am new to the laser engraving world. I have got my first machine Atomstack X30 Pro 160W (33W output). I got the machine for making animal tags, rubber type, acrylic, and aluminum. Anyone help to know what the best parameters are for each? I noticed the aluminum material showed no effect on the marking even though power 100% and speed 500, is there something wrong I did? I have seen some machine creat marks in faded black color on the material.
your help would be appreciated.

What color are your tags?

It is shiny aluminum chrome color. And for the rubber type it is red color.

I have attached one sample yellow color and I don’t know if I can mark such thing using my x30 pro machine?

Aluminum…no. A diode laser can remove some coatings to expose the underlying metal, but it won’t reliably mark metals.

The workaround to the above is to use a marking spray such as Cermark or Brilliance. but I’m not sure I’d trust the durability for livestock tagging.

Cold Galvanized Spray works well for metal. Spay on, let dry, engrave, then scrub off with steel wool pad. A lot less expensive than Cermark or Brilliance. Iv also used on ceramic tile

@coggerman thank you for your reply .

Dear Loren

Thank you for your suggestion I will try to get one of them and test it. I hope it works.

I guess these are not diode laser.

No, those are CO2. You should be able to do the rubber with diode.

Thank you Dskall

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