Atomstak A 10 Pro

Fehlermeldung:Schnittdatei auserhalb der Arbeitsfläche ,was kann man da machen

Error message: cutting file outside of the working area, what can you do there

Make sure you have no objects outside the workspace. You can check by using ctrl-shift-a. This will select all the objects that are considered for your job.

A few workarounds if you want to leave objects outside the workspace:

  1. Enable “Cut Selected Graphics” in the Laser window and select the object you want to burn
  2. Go to Edit->Settings->File Settings and enable “Ignore out-of-bounds shapes if possible”

Danke für die Antwort.Ich werde das ausprobieren.Ich bin noch neu,ich habe den Laser erst ein paar Tage

Thanks for the reply. I’ll try that. I’m new, I’ve only had the laser for a few days

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