Autofocus macro error

From some week when I start the autofocus macro the laser I think goes to down because it’s start to move up all the frame, do you have any idea or settings that I need to modify?

It’s strange because I didn’t modify anything in settings.

I’m using a Twooatrees TS2


You´re asking him to go down and focus the move is ok the function don´t, check if your auto-focus sensor is working fine clean dust contacts.

Thanks for the reply. Do you have any suggestions to check the autofocus working fine?

Did you create your device by importing a TS2.lbdev from web or TF-card?

From the manual it seems auto for engraving but for cutting you have to edit macro with half material thicknesse.g. for 2mm material Z-1, for 4mm Z-2 and so on.
A few bits with cut settings

Previously from TF-Card and after from web but the problem is the same. I’m trying to cut 4mm and my macro is this:

G1 Z-2 F300

I’ve checked the cable for Z axis and also others but seems ok.

And autofocus for engrave is OK?
If you type in console $HZ and press enter where does laser head moves? and stop at limit switch?

Already with the homing $HZ cause me the problem.

I did a video here:

Post your TS2 engraver.lbdev.

Do you hear a click at the end when laser goes down? Your laser Z limit switch are in the top or bottom?
If top try reverse Z.

. doc

Did you change some GRBL settings? Maybe your (Z) Home direction is incorrect.

I’ve just tried and no changes, it’s still unfortunately does the same thing

Type $$ and press enter in Lightburn console window and post here the output.



[MSG:Using machine:LKS DLC32]

[MSG:Mode=STA:SSID=:Status=Not connected:IP=]


























































  1. Did you change any GRBL settings? $130 and $131 and others?


  2. If you press the focus pin do you hear a click?

  3. Jog your laser head by hand to the middle of the Z axis then issue in console window G1 Z2. Does the laser move up or down?

If this guide helps:
Also make sure the pin touches the material and not a void when auto-focus.
Report back.

Thanks Parsec,

  1. No I didn’t change any settings from what I loaded, don’t know why there is 451mm instead of 401mm. The Z travel max is set to 63mm, I’ve tried to lower it but same results.

  2. No I can’t anything, here a small video:

  3. Move up

2.Your video is not public.
3.It´s standard configuration.
Maybe you have a faulty switch.

Try now for the video

Do you have a voltmeter to check continuity/Ohms at the plug on the end of the cord that comes from the switch or at the switch?
Also you can do a ramp test and focus manually.

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