Automatically stop when one layer is finished

Hi. I’m a new member and don’t know Lightburn well that’s why have one question.

I have one layer for engraving and the second one for cutting. I do engraving without pump. When engraving is done I switch the pump on and the laser is cutting.

I have to be careful and wait beside machine to switch on the pump at the right time.

I’m wondering if there is a solution in software when engraving is done the laser stop and wait that you click “forward” or similar. In that case I would not need to seat beside laser and wait. The laser will wait and when I will come back I will switch on the pump and click “forward” to continue with cutting.

I hope this have sense.


In the layer properties on the right, you can decide whether the different layers should be “executed” or not. Simply choose what needs to be done and change layers and start/stop comptesor or extraction…as you like, and press start again.

OK, I will check. Does this mean when the laser will done with engraving it will return in zero position. After that I choose which layer should be done as next one and click on start again. Am I right?

Is not possible to make program so you click only OK or RUN without disabling and enabling the layers between (that you only switch on the pump and click run).

I have to make 50pcs. Does this mean I will have to disable and enable the layers for each piece?


Just following along, it would be really nice to have a toggle on each layer or sub layer to turn on or off the fan.

(may require an additional relay)

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Well look at that! :grin:

Mine has an “Air” option on each layer. If I enable this the air is on for that layer. My air supply is connected to the machine for power so it can cycle it on and off. Is your pump connected to the machine or is it completely separate?

Here’s a screenshot of the option.

I don’t connect my computer to my laser. Instead, I transfer via G-Code files on USB or SD. There are lots of limitations to doing it that way and this would be a lot easier with a computer connected to the laser.

I believe the air on/ off is just written into the gcode so transfer method probably makes no difference. I don’t have experience with this particular situation, like I said just following along trying to pick up a few things.

Slide down to the Sculpfun S10…


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Hi. My air supply is not conected with machine. I have Sculpfun S10

Thank you. This is amazing what can be done.

Is this one the right one?

For an S10, yes. Should work fine.

OK, thanks. I will order ASAP.

I spoke with local shop about Relay and they said important are as well Amperes.
The picture is showin air pump model AP-30A. I suppose it doesn’t mean the pump has 30Amperes.
Relay is working probably only up to 2A.

It’s probably got it’s models number from it’s 30 l/m volume.

This pump doesn’t have the current use in amps posted. It uses watts so you can use volts * amps = watts. So amps = watts/volts or 16/220 = 0.076A

You should be fine…

Good luck


OK, thanks

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