Ayuda con la configuracion (Help with configuration)

Buenas tardes, tengo una maquina de corte laser sculpfun s30 pro, y cuando quiero mover el laser en el programa el sentido de movimiento es inverso al que yo le mando, si yo presiono a la derecha el laser se mueve a la izquierda, y si le mando que vaya hacia arriba va hacia abajo. no se como solucionar este problema. A alguin le a sucedido lo mismo, llevo 4 meses con la maquina y de momento no he podido trabajar bien con ella, no se si es por la configuración en el programa o por la maquina, espero que alguien me pueda ayudar. Muchas gracias

Good afternoon, I have a sculpfun s30 pro laser cutting machine, and when I want to move the laser in the program the direction of movement is the opposite of what I command, if I press to the right the laser moves to the left, and if I order him to go up he goes down. I don’t know how to solve this problem. The same thing has happened to someone, I’ve had the machine for 4 months and so far I haven’t been able to work well with it, I don’t know if it’s because of the configuration in the program or because of the machine, I hope someone can help me. Thank you so much

This happens when the origin is set incorrectly and the device moves toward or away from the origin.

Click Edit, then click Device Settings.

In the new window, change the origin to the opposite corner (if movement along both axes is reversed). Click OK when finished.

Retest the movement behavior.

The file you are currently working on may appear to have rotated 180 degrees.

Click Ctrl-A to select all. Select the middle dot in the 3x3. type 180 into the rotate box and your art will turn 180 degrees.

Please let us know if you’re still stuck or if this works for you.

hola, buenas tardes, hice como tu me dijiste, y el movimiento se ha corregido, lo que me ha cambiado es el eje x y el eje y, ahora el punto 0 esta a la parte superior de arriba a la derecha. creo que el problema es que tampoco se como configurar la maquina, cada vez es un problema distinto. Espero que pueda ayudarme, porque ya no se que hacer.

Hello, good afternoon, I did as you told me, and the movement has been corrected, what has changed is the x axis and the y axis, now point 0 is at the top of the top right. I think the problem is that I don’t know how to configure the machine either, each time it’s a different problem. I hope you can help me, because I don’t know what to do anymore.

It looks like some GRBL parameters have been changed. Home position on the S30 Is the front of the machine on the left side. In the Device Settings window, the lower left circle should be selected as described by @JohnJohn above.

Now the Move buttons should be correct, the machine Homes Front-Left, And a little green square should be at the lower-left corner of your workspace. Also, make sure CNC Machine and Swap X/Y output to laser are both unchecked.

Now, if it does not behave normally, and as you expect, then do this:

    1. Shut the machine down, then power it back up.
    1. After it Homes, do these steps
  • 3, Enter $$ in the Console window.
    1. Enter $# in the console window.
    1. Enter ? in the Console Window.
    1. Copy everything from the Console window and paste it in a Reply.

I can compare your S30 Pro settings to my own.

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hola buenos dias, volvi a poner la configuracion como usted me dijo, y ahora si que funciona las cordenadas y el movimiento como corresponde, de igual manera pongo los datos de la consola porque hay alguna cosa que no funciona bien con el inicio.



































































Hello, good morning, I put the configuration back as you told me, and now the coordinates and movement work as they should, I also put the console data because there is something that does not work well with the start.

All the parameters related to direction control are different from my S30 Pro
Parameter = yours (mine)
$3 = 7 (4)
$5 = 0 (1)
$23 = 5 (7)
Did you change these parameters?

$21 = 1 (0)
This parameter should be zero if you do not have axis travel limit switches (2 more besides the Home switches)

$130 = 410 (380) Xmax travel
$131 = 400 (385) Ymax travel
With these settings, your laser module can possibly crash into the frame.

You may keep the parameters as they now are set, but I recommend you enter $RST=* in the Console Window. then do another $$ and see how they compare. The RST command resets all your parameters to the settings shipped from the factory.

…hay alguna cosa que no funciona bien con el inicio.

After you do the master reset and this is still a problem, then come back and tell us what this problem is.

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