GRBL controller GCode Crealty Falcon Pro
Lightburn 1.07.03
I got this machine recently I am running on windows 11.
My issue since installing the lightburn software I have not been able to do anything but have the laser cut a straight x-axis line on basswood and leather. It will not frame on the y-axis. Won’t move to make included images on sd card that came included or text I would like to do. Everything is plugged in properly. Adjusting a few settings but nothing has worked to make it do anything else. Do use Com7 as defaulted from software from SD card.
First time using a CNC machine. Have a history with Cricut machines.
It does not move on jog controls.
I do not have a rotary tool setup. Simply trying to cut the eagle that came with the SD card at this point. Have seen errors, but this time it didn’t show any.
Not sure what I need to do proper home?
When I try to home it I see this on console
Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.
Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.
[MSG:Using cpu_map…esp32-s3]
Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]
You do not need to actually have a rotary, the setting can be turned on/off in the settings, if Lightburn is told the rotary is on, it will behave as if there actually is a rotary attached, just doing what it is told to do.
When I turn everything on and start up the laser engraver and connect it to lightburn. I press the home button laser lights up. I get the two alarms in console as mentioned above. Everything is tight and level.
I have rehomed as it instructs. When I place eagle image that came along with the SD card from Crealty and frame it will light red and green light move a little back and forth then pause in one location in 7 seconds stop stream. When I go to run the gcode of the eagle the laser will go all the way to the other side hit the side and run acting busy, but not moving. I press stop then home it back. it beeps then gives me the two alarms 3 and 9 again. Attaching machine settings
The silver bar will rotate wanting to move on the y axis using the jog or the manual. The wheels below it do not move though. I’m going to attach photos of where the cable are plugged in too.
I knew it was a human error somewhere in the steps. Just had to have a different set of eyes to look at it. Got the belt corrected and it is working on the y-axis. Still dealing with the errors though when I head to home now the bar will shake. and then stop a few moments later. Got the eagle design that came included cut.
The bigger issue has been resolved. Now just the little things to learn.