Beginner's questions

I’ve recently bought a Falcon 2 22W Laser engraver and a Lightburn licence, but I have a few questions - some of these may sound silly.

  • Is it possible to have presets so when I create a file, it gives me a 200x200mm area and it is set up for maybe 3mm basswood?
  • Is it possible to save defaults for each layer, so that Layer 02 might be 600/80%? That way I can define each shape as a cut, or a depth, rather than having to manually edit the settings each time.
  • I had an idea of having a maker’s mark, so I created a file in Adobe AI with a QR code and some text - but when I imported that to Lightburn, the QR bit ended up blank. Any ideas why? I got round this by making it an image, but I just wondered what I’d done wrong.
  • Is it possible to save custom ‘components’ - e.g. a USB-C cutout, that I can just import into projects as and when I need them?
  • As a hobbyist, I only use this from time to time, so I don’t want to just leave it in my garage - is there any sort of storage case for it? At the moment I’m still putting it in the original packaging, but this means removing the laser each time which is not ideal.


I realize that when you’re new you may not know where to look or even what questions to ask, but the Docs are a great source of knowledge on how to use the program. Here are the answers to some of your questions.

Saving sdttings in layers is not good practice. The layer settings transfer with the saved file, so if you open a file from someone else, their settings won’t match yours. Using the materials library is the preferred method of achieving this.

You need to make it an image, preferably svg for scalability. Lightburn has it’s own QR Code generator that may meet your needs.

[quote=“montyonthebonty, post:1, topic:148848”]
Is it possible to save custom ‘components’ - e.g. a USB-C cutout, that I can just import into projects as and when I need them?[/quote]
The Art Library is designed for this purpose.

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Not as such, but what you can do is create a 200x200 square, make it a tool layer for framing purposes then save that as a template file. When you open it you can “save as” any designs you create and keep the template separate for next time.

Have you looked at the Pelican, Apache, or Strongway style cases? Harbor Freight (USA) has a 20.0 x 7.41 x 15.77 inch waterproof storage case that might work.

You have Google?

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