So I’m using lightburn and trying to fine the best way to remove the back off any mirror so, after testing I find that when I use Bi-directional mode the image looks worst to me, I’ve seen post that use Bi-directional and appears to look better then what I can produce. How do I use that function and get good results? Thanks for your time
Seems to me the bigger difference is in the scan angle than in the bi-directional scan. Or in any case, I think it’s difficult to attribute the quality difference solely to bi-directional scan when you have another variable in play.
The biggest apparent difference between the two is that the one with vertical scanning has a visible gap between lines. Looks like you could optimize the interval space for a cleaner look or at least to more closely match the horizontally scanned version.
Thank you berainlb, I deeply appreciate your reply, it gives a closer insight to having a better result for my project. That vertical line picture I had to turn the image 90 degree to fit the space I had left on the mirror, now I know to mention things like that in the future. Thanks again