Hi guys. I really need some help. I have a 100w MOPA and I urgently need some settings and focus for black annealing, I have wasted hours and got nowhere. 160mm lens.
I did some initials on a stainless knife… This is what I used… MP-60 60W M7 MOPA…
My machine is 60W, some adjustments will have to be made.
Good luck
Cheers, we you out of focus?
I’m de-focused about 3mm, but I have an F420 lens (300x300)… don’t know if that’s a lot or not… I’m thinking it goes out where it won’t make noise at about 5mm… I’ve raised the head above it’s focal point.
This is a bit different…
These are cheap knives from dollar store… left is 2 passes, right is single pass.
Ballpark, anyway…
Eventually I hit the sweet spot after trying loads of variations. 6mm above focus and the text is black from all angles. Single pass. A great starting point on a 100w MOPA with 160mm lens
Thanks for the information…
Looks good, nice and black … what kind of stainless and how large is it?
I’ll try out your settings on one of my knives…
Your frequency is 20kHz, my jpt manual for my 60W states…
Not that we need full power, but don’t know what it means by it will accept 1 - 4000kHz, but full power is 40 - 4000kHz?
Since I don’t really know how the internals work… it’s hard to understand what they are trying to say… I notice you were using a relatively low frequency…
What’s happening below 40kHz…? I’d think it’s going to have more time to pump up the fiber at a lower frequency… I actually notice this a lot, so it has my curiosity up.
This is my google drive copy of my jpt manual if you’d like to look at it…
Have you been over to Laser Everything? Most of the stuff is free, additionally a paid version ($8 USD) with videos and lots of settings… I’ve been subscribed for a couple months. Probably won’t stay be permanent but we’ll see…
They are pretty sharp about all types of these machines… The site software is pretty bad, but I’ve gained some good information from them…
There is an option for me to invite you… I’m always hesitant to do this… I don’t know what type of information they want and I don’t want to give away peoples data…
Unless someone OK’s it’s I don’t do it…
Its 304 stainless and the text is only about 3.5mm.
Its seems I can go from 0 up on the frequency of pulse, below 20kHz is a very light mark and seems to go hand in hand with the Pulse, decrease frequency, increase pulse. On a non MOPA, the frequency could not go below 20kHz There really seems to be very fine margins between good and not good at all.
Been tied up, so haven’t been able to run your settings…
I think it relates to pules/second… Have a look at this spread sheet… I keep it open for reference if I want to increase the heat or distribute it slower…
Have a pair of doctors appointments up in Flagstaff today, so I don’t know when I’ll get to it.
Hope the appointments go well
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