is there any black fraiday offer for license renewal?
Sure doesn’t look like it and at the renewal price it doesn’t need to be.
If you renew your license early you do get a few extra months tacked onto your license. Better than a Black Friday deal!
Hi, just renewed my DSP license and only cost £23, anyone know if this is correct as it seems really cheap.
Read the message about people being on holidays so thought i would ask on here.
LightBurn is already priced as low as we possibly can afford so that as many people as possible can afford it. We are not able to offer any further discounts.
Yup, that’s correct. $30 USD which current equates to £23. Renewals for all license types are currently priced at $30 USD. And as @HalfNormal noted, if you renew early you get an extra 2 months free - this even carries for multiple simultaneous renewals. So if you renew for 6 years in advance you get a full year extra year added on for free.
Wow, the price of 4 pints, i should have renewed for 5 years
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