Black tempura paint etching into glass

Tempera paint is virtually edible, not recommended to be eaten, but given to children because of it’s non toxic and water solubility. … One of the links I posted has a break down of it…

Lasing molybedenum … maybe not such a good idea…

Good luck


Proper Tempera, yes. I agree 100%. I ate a not inconsiderable amount of it when I was a child a million years ago. And “paste”…

Sometimes inscrutable foreign companies put all kinds of nasty stuff in what should be natural and/or harmless. And for some reason they never disclose it.

Just throwing out a possible explanation for an otherwise unprecedented result.

Report by the guys that sell the $50/can stuff, but I fact-checked their statements and they are pretty much accurate. No Molly by golly!

What do you use instead of Tempera paint?

What kind of craft paint do you use? Maybe I need to try a different brand??

Any black acrylic craft paint. Dollar stores are a good source.

The real question is what brand did YOU use. Others might want to avoid it. Or if others are using it without issue, that might point to a procedural issue with your process.

I was thinking what Mike just said.

Prang brand has been in preschools here for decades. I can’t vouch for it in this application, but it seems reasonable place to start with no other info.

When I was a kid, I seem to recall the teachers making it on site.

We used to make “play-doh” from scratch, too. It was salty. :smiley:

I prefer the acrylic, but I use mostly the co2 or fiber and don’t do this type of work anymore with the dpssl.

Have used the acrylic with TiO2 also, but not what I would say was a great result… probably because I don’t really know how it works…

I’d pick acrylic, but many others might have a different opinion.

Good luck


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The mug on the left is black acrylic craft paint.
The mug on the right is white acrylic craft paint with titanium dioxide added.

10W laser speed 1000 power 80.

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This may be the key to the wine glass mystery, TiO2 is not considered dangerous. Maybe the Tempura paint has a lot of it.

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TiO2 is only in white stuff.
It really has no other use than to make stuff white. That I know of.

Correct. Titanium dioxide usually exists in a white powder-like consistency and is often used in food, or other products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and cosmetics .To make them whiter.


TiO2 is carcinogenic, breathing the powder is definitely dangerous.

Breathing corn starch is definitely dangerous too.

Some agencies agree, some do not on the carcinogen issue. Common sense prevails.

Based on my families medical history, I’m saying chicken waste (bedding, poo, etc) is 10x more dangerous than even hex chrome.

I think we all know just living is dangerous, after all we all end up dead :sob:


Maybe so, but I am stretching it out as far as I can!

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For those that have any… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Kind of sad, when you are born, you’re already handed a death sentence.

I think that’s where life is precious comes from…

Few people get to choose when.
