Hello I have a Atomstack 10 pro laser is 10W and I am having trouble getting my black tumblers to engrave all the way. There not turning out it’s like it’s just taking a layer off and not going to metal
What are your settings? I find the black is the best color for tumblers. Blue is my worst color, by far.
Ortur LMP2 10w
3000 mm/m
35% power
.1 line spacing
I have tried all sorts of settings 100% power 2000mm/m I don’t think I have changed the line spacing When I do a smaller image on my black tumblers it comes out good but a bigger logo is a no go I can get every other color to work just not black
Try around 35%. You may have burned the metal by over-heating it.
You also may have smoke on the exposed metal. A touch of solvent can really help remove the smoke.
This flask was intentionally over exposed to achieve the engraved effect and subdued color. The bright line around the outside of the letters and image indicate the metal changed color.
I will try it with a lot lower power that is kinda what mine was looking like metal at beginning and end of letters but none in-between thank you
You may also try to lift your laser out of sharp focus. Try raising 5mm at a time.
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