Blank files when I open Lightburn files created on this computer

When I save a Lightburn job to my computer, it works and I can open the .lbrn2 file from my laptop connected to my laser. However, when I try to open that same file on the computer that I created it on, the file is completely blank.

The image I have uploaded is a screen shot of the file opened back up on the originating computer. I have pressed on the Zoom to frame selection button, but nothing shows up.
If I open the same file on my Windows 10 computer attached to the laser, it works. It used to work on this computer too, but none of my previously saved files are showing up.


Does the ā€˜saveā€™ part work ok, as far as is the file name visible where you saved it?

There is no reason, if it can create a file but not be able to populate it.

I have Ubuntuā€¦

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
LightBurn 1.4.00 Wed 2022-12-14 @ 15:00

The only thing that causes saving issues is protection and a lack of disk space.

Good luck


I have the same version of Ubuntu as you.
I donā€™t have any disk space issues. The location I am saving the file to is a NAS and that has free space too.
The files I create save fine and open fine on my other laptop running windows 10, but they just dont open on the main computer that I do all my design work on.
As I stated in my post, it used to work, but I canā€™t see anything that I have changed on the Ubuntu computer that is different on the Windows one.

I am not sure if re-installing it would help out. I am concerned that it would create more problems for me.


Hardware breaks, software has bugsā€¦ Keep them separate if at all possible.

Usually if the software is working and itā€™s a file problem itā€™s more than likely on the OS side of the software. This is configuration or file protection issues. Even though disk space can be an issue, if you can find the file, the OS might not let you read it.

Canā€™t say Iā€™ve done this to see what happens, but many times you can see a file, but canā€™t open itā€¦

I donā€™t know what Lightburns reaction is if it can read a file name in a directory but the protection keeps if from actually accessing the file itself.

You didnā€™t mention if you checked the protection of the files or not. That would be my first thoughtā€¦ and still isā€¦


Thanks for the quick reply Jack.
I didnā€™t look at the protection settings on my NAS yetā€¦ but I will take a look now to see if there is anything there.

There are known problems with files saved in networked / cloud / shared directories, particularly from Windows systems.

I have been using LightBurn on a pair of desktop PCs running Linux, with *lbrn2 files stored in directories shared over NFS. As long as I remember to save the file and open a different file (or just tap New to close it) on one PC before opening it on the other, It Just Works.

I think whatā€™ happens: LightBurn periodically saves a backup copy of the file while itā€™s open and that file appears in the shared directory. If I open the same file on both PCs at the same time, they both (try to) use the same shared backup file and wreck it.

When I do the save-and-close dance properly, itā€™s all good.

Iā€™m sure a cloud share will have different timing for when it updates the copies, but some experimentation would be interesting.

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I just copied a few of the files from my NAS to my local Ubuntu computer and I CAN open them now.
Those same files on the NAS would open, but were blank. I have confirmed that these files are not blank when opened from my local Ubuntu computerā€¦ so this is a great step forward, but not quite the end game.
I like the workaround @ednisley has shared to File/New to close on one computer before opening on the other. Seems a bit like writing to a USB Thumbdrive and then pressing eject to confirm that all pending writes are flushed before removing it.
So for now, I will just copy the files locally while I am working on them and then copy them to the NAS when I need to engrave or burn the file on the other computer.
@jkwilborn I have checked the permissions on the NAS and all the files are set to Read/Write and some also have the execute flag setā€¦ (Not sure why, but makes no difference)

This has got to be some kind of protection or somethingā€¦ This pretty much confirms that the lightburn application is OK and itā€™s file system relatedā€¦

Most of these systems lock the file if some application opens it with the write mode optionā€¦ just to prevent others from modifying and corrupting it. Generally you can still read it. I also wonder about the execute option ?

The simple fact is we know, if you have multiple applications accessing a file, you better not be writing from both unless there is some way to synchronize them. This isnā€™t too tough with serial data that youā€™re just accumulating. Not sure how it affect some other applications.

I know there is more code to just handle error condition gracefully than there is for the core job.

@ednisley have you tried to break it via NFS? I ran that before I moved up here and just havenā€™t got around to re-configuring the serverā€¦ Never had any issues with itā€¦


AFAICT, LightBurn opens, writes, and closes the backup file in one operation, so two instances can write different ā€œversionsā€ with complete impunity: the NFS locking doesnā€™t apply.

So I (try to) follow the old adage: "If it hurts when you do that, donā€™t do that. :frowning_face:

I still donā€™t see any protection or permissions that are in the mix here.
I created a new file just now and saved it to the NAS.
I then closed Lightburn.
I opened Lightburn again, and then opened that file from the NAS, again it is blank. I have not been to the other computer to access the file yet, so it is not open on that one.
I then copied that same file from the NAS to my PC using the OS filesystem and now I can open and it is not blank.
If I put the same file back onto the NAS, it is blank again.
File Permissions on the file in NAS
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simon simon 285942 Feb 15 00:55 ā€˜Test (NAS).lbrn2ā€™
File Permissions on the file on PC
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simon simon 285942 Feb 15 00:47 ā€˜Test (local).lbrn2ā€™

Share permissions on the NAS are RW for my username

What NAS are you running? I recall a similar issue where NAS devices that also were doing a cloud sync or something similar would cause issues for LightBurn saves.

It is a QNAP TS-412
I set the share permissions on the share to RW, but this didnā€™t help.
No, this NAS is not syncing to the cloud.

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