Bluetooth on Sculpfun 30 Ultra 22W

I can’t find any topic regarding Bluetooth connection on Sculpfun 30 Ultra 22 W.
The Lightburn program works perfectly on the USB port but does not recognize the Bluetooth device.
I thank

LightBurn does not support Bluetooth connections, at least not directly.

I’m not familiar with the protocol that Sculpfun’s Bluetooth uses but if it does serial over Bluetooth you could potentially attempt to create a Serial to Bluetooth connection on the PC side through which you could attempt to connect LightBurn. That wouldn’t be supported of course.

i found this tip but I don’t know where to put this instruction.

I thank

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@misken has an article about Bluetooth capability. Check it out:
Laser Remote Control - Diode Laser Wiki (

It looks like it can be used to define a serial port which can then be configured in LightBurn.

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To use the Bluetooth function, you go to Windows settings, Bluetooth devices, search for available devices and connect to the Sculpfun device. If you do this, you get another COM port hat you can connect to. This one uses the Bluetooth functionality. You will notice this because it has “visible” lag (it’s slower than USB connection).

Though, I don’t ever recommend using wireless connections for a laser, it increases the risk of fires drastically. Wireless connections are less stable and computational heavy for the small controllers.

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I decided not to use bluetooth
Thanks for your suggestions.


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