Hi everyone. I recently switched from windows to mac. I’m currently running lightburn version 1.7.07 on mac mini m1 MacOS Sequoia, MAX fiber laser 30 w 200 lens.
I don’t know why but “bold” function on font toolbar does not work with some fonts. Many of these are Google fonts like Allura or Great Vibes. Bold function worked well on windows. What am i doing wrong?
Google fonts are .ttf TrueType fonts. They regularly work in lightburn except for the bold function. Italic funtion works, but bold doesn’t. It is really weird and i think it’s a software bug that should be immediately addressed.
That’s the font i’ve downloaded from google (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Allura) and that i’ve currently installed on my Mac. As i previously stated it works well with italic, but not with bold.
The name of the font indicates one of the issues. “Allura-Regular.ttf”. This indicates that only the Regular version of the file (ie non-bold) exists in that file. That means no Bold version is availble.
From memory, I don’t believe dynamic fonts are available in Mac for LightBurn. By dynamic in this case I’m referring to fonts that allow for multiple font weights in a single file vs static single file per weight. So on Mac you would need an explicit Bold font for this to work.
Allura doesn’t seem to be available in anything but static variant from Google and only for Regular. So there is no available option.
I’m making an assumption but seems like LightBurn for Mac has no method by which automatic synthetic bold variation can be generated from non-bold fonts. I’d argue in most cases that this is a good thing.
TLDR: if you want a bold font on Mac you need to get static fonts that include a bold variant at least on current 1.7.x prod versions.
I’m going from memory on this so it’s possible some of this information is outdated or partly incorrect.