Boolean does not seem to work whatever I do PANIC STATIONS PLEASE

If I have your objective properly understood, it’s something I create on a regular basis. I use LB to create a name (possible match with your goal) and then place a rounded rectangle around it, with “wall thickness” to the rectangle.

I’ll have to learn someday how to make these animated graphic answers, but not today. My last/only attempt failed miserably.

Here’s the name, my mistake to use lower case, changed to all upper case to ensure “capture” via overlap.


Rounded rectangle with certain overlap. Overlap may not apply to your goal. Mine is 3D printed and requires top and bottom connections.


Offset rectangle to provide framing. Your “offset” would be the ornament, yes?


Select text and inner rectangle.


Perform Boolean difference. Oops, wrong result. Control-Z (Undo) undoes it. That’s why it’s called that.


Do the same Boolean difference after the Undo and it reverses the order. I can never remember which object to select first, and the genius team who created LightBurn makes it darn easy to get the result you want:


If you are doing this sequence or similar, and not getting a similar result, consider that you have something broken. The text was not converted to a path. I’ve run into troubles in the past that were related to what I thought was a closed path but wasn’t.

Consider to select your outer shape and ungroup it. If it does, you’ve found the trouble. You could then use the node tool and manually push a node away and bring it back until you have a true closed shape.

After ungrouping, selecting the node tool and clicking one section at a time will show you the broken points.

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