I have a couple of lightburn registrations and now i will get one more with a new Boss HP-3655. My question is what configuration do you recommend for a camera, I have purchased some in the past and could not get them to work perfectly and I would like to make sure i start off on the right foot with this new laser .
Good Morning
I have installed 2 cameras on my lasers. First determine where you are planning to mount the camera. Center of the bed seams to be the best for calibration. When you open Lightburn under the Help tab on the top tool bar will be Camera Selection Help. Enter the bed size of you laser bed size and it will create a list of cameras that will work for you situation. Make sure you read the information on the bottom of the window.
as for the actual calibration of the laser there are several very good videos on You tube addressing this process. I have found its best to mount the target you will print to a flat surface it helped my process