Boss LS 1416 will not fire

I have a Boss LS1416. I can load the program a the program will run but the laser will not fire. I will run through the sequence but will not cut. I have downloaded everthing this to make sure it will start cutting. I have water running to keep it cool, air is on, etc… what am I missing?

I don’t have that model laser but does it have a safety key switch? My Monport 80w had a keyed switch for safety lockout. If it was turned off the laser would still move as if it were working but the laser would not fire. That laser also had two power supplies with two power cables, one for the drive motors and one for the laser tube/chiller. If one of them was loose I would get those same symptoms, laser would move but not fire.

Just some thoughts from my experience. Good luck

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I don’t have one of these, but I have an OMTech China Blue with a Ruida controller.

The dsp machines are usually set up, or should be, to use the controller for any error handling as it can restart the job from where the error occurred.

The error inputs of the chiller and the door are monitored. If it’s running a job and one of the opens (goes inactive), it should stop the operation of everything, show in the console and wait until the error condition is fixed… Then it will only re-start from the console.

On mine, the LPS P terminal is wired to ground. If this is the case, it’s likely the controller and/or wiring… These are pretty tough, so I doubt you have a controller issue…

If you isolate it to the controller, there are only two control wires, L (laser enable) and pwm to the IN terminal Both of these can be measured with a regular voltmeter.

Let us know…


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