I have a Boss LS 2440 with RUIDA 644xs. Lightburn 1.0.04 installed. Using Boss rotary attachment. I have not run any cups/bottles in a while but having a problem with rotating the bottle based on its diameter. I have never had any problem in the past, so I am a little surprised. I use the rotary setup feature and use the parameters I have used before. When I run the test using the rotary setup the bottle only rotates about ½ the circumference of the bottle.
What settings should I be using for the stock Boss Rotary? Is there something other than what I enter in the rotary setup tool that would cause this problem? Is there an order to setting up the rotary settings?
Circumference on bottle in 9 inches diameter set to 2.125
Roller Diameter I’m using is 2.5 inches
Revolutions set to 6800
I’ve never used a boss rotary, but on mine (PiBurn) I just set the diameter of the driving wheels and the number of steps for a complete rotation. Everything else gets figured out for me.
Seems to me the ratio of the drive motor to wheel is 2.5 to 1. A single rotation (based on the stepper motor driver board settings) is 2000 steps/revolution. 2000 x 2.5 = 5000 in steps/rotation
And the drive wheel is 62mm. That is all I have entered.
All of this starts with steps/rotation of the motor, then to the gear ratio of the rotating device, ending up with the diameter of the driving wheel.
Since it works with Diameter / 2, I would think you have the gear ratio or the steps/rotation being 2 times what they should be.
I think it would be more difficult get the end product off by exactly 2 times with a combination of both being incorrect, so it’s probably one or the other.
Give us the values you used to compute these numbers.
steps/rotation - these are on your motor driver
gear ratio - device manufacturer
driving wheel diameter - device manufacturer
Here are my settings.
Question on rotary setup, Once you have setup your parameters when you test the object on the rollers should it make one complete revolution? I have made several changes an never get a complete revolution.
no i don’t think so, maybe setup will change based upon the type of board and rotary you connect?
i see you have the button “read settings” that is not present in my setup.
Can someone @LightBurn_Staff tell me if i’m wrong? i’m only curious.
BTW my machine is a selfmade with MKS DLC V1.2 corexy with Neje A40630 laser module.
I will place a call to Boss an ask them for clarification on rotary setup. I have tried many different settings an none give to a complete revolution when I use the test button. Next I will try an contact LightBurn for some input.
if you see last image, the first you are looking at was done before setup, i have 32mm to complete a revolution NOT step… millimeters.
In any case my rotary works as expected so… i think that the different GUI is because i have a self made rotary, and it works like a charm.
Should have done this earlier. From the Lightburn documentation, "For a chuck rotary, this will be one rotation of the chuck, and for a roller, it will be
one full rotation of the roller, NOT the item. " So I was expecting on rotation of the cup/bottle, wrong it the wheel!