You need to give us more information. Saying it doesn’t work, really tells us nothing. Does it not fit together or what? We need to target what isn’t working, not that the whole project doesn’t work.
This is done with 3mm basswood and created by seems to work OK… Holds a case of rolling papers.
It’s not clear the rounded corners (on the right of the red layout) will be compatible with finger joint sides meeting at a right angle underneath them.
The small pegs on the ends of the hinges (in the black layout) seem required to glue them to the end pieces, so eliminating them (as in the red layout) probably won’t work.
There are so many options, some tucked away in normally collapsed sections. In particular, expand the Settings for Finger Joint and Setting for Chest Hinges section reveal more options than you can imagine.
My experience has been that produces good results with the default settings, but changing those settings by large amounts causes weird results. As a rule, I’m willing to accept the overall shape, then add holes and minor tweaks by hand.
There is no way to make round corners with the default values. Because the height of your box is also very low there is no room for living hinges. I would leave the inner parts longer and adjust (saw and sand) them manually after the box is assembled.
and sorry if I didn’t express myself correctly.
the only problem is that I have to create several different boxes like in the picture with red color, but with I only get a box like in the black picture.
when I create a box, everything is fine, no question.
but I need a setting for so that I get a layout like in the red picture, or is that not possible with
The corners can also be square, they don’t have to be round. It is important that the finger joints are not on the outer edge, but with a small distance from the outer edge as in the red picture.
I need several templates in different sizes for Lightburn that look like the black box.
I found the red box template on the internet,
I created the black one in
I would like a way to have a bottom plate with the finger joints that are a few millimeters away from the edge.
As in the red picture with bottom text with yes.
The length and number of the finger joints doesn’t matter, I need distance from the edge.
My friend (who fell in love with the red box) needs different boxes in different sizes, making them by hand is very laborious.
Strangely enough, I couldn’t get it to work in either, but if it’s just the base that needs to be modified, it’s very quick to do manually, watch the video.
I know that Florian Festi, who is responsible for, is a frequent visitor here in the forum, it could be that he stumbles upon the post and helps out with getting it automated in the program itself, or an explanation for what we’re doing wrong.