If I copy and paste an object, then highlight text in a field and copy it, then try to paste into a text field, the result is that the object is pasted again.
The result should be that the text is pasted in the field.
A similar bug exists for hitting “select all” (cmd-a or ctrl-a) while in a text field, but apparently identifying errors like that is called a feature request here.
If it’s quicktime you’ll have to host the file externally and link here as the forum doesn’t host video files. The screencap in my previous post is an animated gif.
Thank you. I can clearly see what you are doing in this video and the results you get. I have tried the same steps and am seeing similar. Investigating further…
It does seem to be a “Mac thing”, related to copying and pasting within the Numeric Edit fields, it’s been logged as an issue with the development team.
Have you tried selecting the text and then use Control-click and ‘Copy’ then Control-click and ‘Paste’? I noticed that sometimes copy and paste between edit boxes would work fine in this way, but not consistently for me (MacOS 11.4), and I’m not sure why.
I am not seeing a difference using contextual menus vs. keyboard shortcuts (which makes sense to me since keyboard shortcuts usually trigger the menu item).