Bug: Only First Layer's Cut Settings can be Viewed when Material is Linked

After a material is applied that has a line and fill to a layer, when you double click on that layer, you can only view the settings of the first layer and no sub-Layers (I am running MacOS just in case there is a difference). To see the settings of the second sub-layer - you have to first unlink the material (even if you still want it linked). This seems to be to be a safety issue if you can’t inspect all of the power and speed settings for each layer before running a job. – Also it is unfortunate that in the Cuts/Layers window the mode and spd/pwr now just show “Multi” – it was really handy to at least have more details in that list- just showing Multi for most everything makes those columns almost pointless if all of the layers in a project have sub-layers.

My apologies, I don’t know how I missed this.

There were changes in the workflow for 1.2.00 and another adjustment in 1.2.01
Which version are you running?

In the latest version Link works as you describe and Locks out your Cuts Settings editor in an attempt to reduce confusion. Assign was brought back by demand and is now also working if you want to verify settings. I haven’t tried Assign, then Link but it may work for you to verify your settings before committing.

Hi John - Originally I wrote this when using v1.2.00; I just retried and I get the same behavior in v1.2.01 when I use the “Link” option from the material library. I understand the need to “lock” the cuts and settings; but I would think the user should be able to at least click on the different sub-layers “tabs” to see all the settings (even if they are all grayed out). Currently on the MacOS version at least, when you have a layer that is “Linked” and you double click on it to see the settings editor, you can only see the settings on the first sub-layer and there is no way to verify the settings of the other sub-layers. — I almost exclusively now use the “Assign” option so this doesn’t impact me any more; but I would still think if I were to use the “Link” option I would want to be able to see all the sub-layer options of a file I opened that I hadn’t used in a while before actually performing the cuts.

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