Bug Report: non-filled regions are filled

I made a simple checkered box for some camera alignment tests, then copy/pasted it 4 times. 3 out of 5 shapes are filled in the parts that shouldn’t be filled-they seem to have the same line interval but lower intensity. Preview shows the same so it is not laser but software-related. Copying/pasting a problematic shape multiple times will produce a couple correct ones(randomly) and vise-versa.

LB 1.7.03 & 1.7.04
OS X Big Sur

I noticed the preview is mirrored in relation to the shape.
Did you check for duplicates?

Can you post your project .lbrn2 file?

lasertest.lbrn2 (10.9 KB)

The one on bottom left was copied and pasted around. You will notice that each instance is slightly different on preview(and engraving), not all are alike.

Your inner squares are directly on top of the outer square causing a duplication of the line. If you look at the preview screen below you can see where Lightburn fills the entire large square then returns and fills the smaller squares. In the middle image I movet the small squares inward by .5mm each direction and you see the results. The outer line is no longer duplicated. In the right image you can see the results of other placement of the inner squares.

The way that you have the inner squares placed, in order for them not to engrave you also would not have an outline. You have to have the inner squares off of the outer line in order to have an outline of the entire shape. If you don’t want an outline, just use the 2 small squares diagonal to each other.

It was the way you made your project.
Here it is corrected with the shapes in the exactly same place.
lasertest_edit.lbrn2 (11.9 KB)

I understand the logic behind both your replies, what I don’t understand is why I get random results for the same shape. If I copy/paste it 10 times, I’ll get at least 3 different ways of rendering/engraving…

I don’t understand that either. Perhaps something moves ever so slightly when you’re selecting it. I don’t know.

What I do know is if you want a solid line around the perimiter, handle the shape like @parsec’s example. If you want an engraved line that matches your line interval, make the inner squares a little smaller off the corner. If you don’t want an outer line at all just use the 2 smaller squares.

The same happens here. Maybe it is a bug. With the lasertest.lbrn2 I did several duplicates of the green circle good ones and the output 5 in 8 are full black squares??? With the file I created no problem.

Copy/Paste is not the same as the CTRL-D duplicate. If your mouse twitches while you are banging the keyboard, the copy may not be exactly on top of the original. Try using CTRL-D and see what happens. I have no idea.