Keep in mind that all of these usage scenarios are legitimate ways of configuring and using GRBL. One is not more or less compliant than the other, just a matter of convention.
If anything is a bit odd it’s that you configured homing to top-right which is just not that common. I suspect top-right is the 3rd most common configuration following bottom-left and top-left. And even then bottom-left represents I would guess over 90% of all lasers setup with GRBL.
Even with a work offset configured I don’t think you’d have any problem in LaserGRBL. I’m not as familiar with Candle but I don’t see it being a fundamental problem as work offsets are used commonly in CNC applications.
If you want to try this then try the following:
- Reverse previous changes
- Set work offset by issuing in Console:
G10 L2 P1 X-400 Y-400
- Set controller to report work position rather than machine position:
- Rehome and retest