Burn starts 0.75 in low

Are you setting the laser to the centre of the circle, setting origin and using current position?

Hi All,
I got it to burn correctly. I turned on the Red layer which was just there to show the size of the round. Since I did not want the circle to burn I enlarged it a little bigger the the round size and it to burned correctly. I did one more test after I deleted that layer and it went back to burning bad. So, I will be adding that layer back and press on. Just do not understand what difference the circle made.
Thanks for everyone’s help. It was much appreciated.

When you delete something like that, Lightburn keeps an edit history and you can ^Z to undo an edit…

Sometimes it’s worth backing out of some edits to recover something that was more difficult to create.

It doesn’t save edits… once you save it and reload it you can’t back up, previous edits are lost…

Is there a reason you were using ‘cut selected’?


no. Just it has always been checked. I will clear when the burn is done unless it won’t hurt to clear it now. What about the Optimize Cut Path? On or Off?.

If you did a job and one of the objects was missed, off or just need another copy of one part, you can select it and lase it using the ‘cut selected’

Generally when you draw something you want them all to go sequentially or some other predefined order… but all of them…

Good luck


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