Burned Letters not Connecting Properly

Hello. I have recently purchased an Ortur Laser Master 2 LU2-4 (20 watt). I am experiencing an issue with the burn results. While the burn quality is good, the lettering that it is initially producing is not lining up as they should (for example, an ‘O’ will have several areas where it appears the laser shut off for a brief moment and/or the circles forming the ‘O’ are not connecting). Is this an issue related to the gantry belts? Any and all help will be much appreciated!

Can you post some photos and the files as well as a photo of the settings please?

You can take a screenshot of settings by holding Windows key + Shift then hitting the “S” key

Hello Willie,

I hope you are well. Here is a screenshot of the problem that I described:

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To be honest (at least to my novice eyes) that appears to be something in your belts. These machines require daily maintenance.

I could be wrong but I’d start with removing the belt, cleaning the pathways and reinstalling the belts. I’d inspect the belts for missing cogs etc while your at it. I have a powerful office version of a leaf blower I “dust” mine with to remove debris. If lettering etc is off I remove the belt and almost always find bits and pieces.


Ok. Thank you! I will give that a try! Also, I did notice while I was assembling it, that the limit switch moves/slides a bit, which makes that side looser than the right side (meaning, the belts). It makes me wonder if I may have installed it incorrectly (however, when I watched an assembly video, their limit switch did not appear to do this when they installed theirs). Although I followed the instructions, I may have misinterpreted them.

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Check that your rails are square and belts are tight (not too tight).


Buenas noches, un saludo desde Colombia.
Amigos de lightburn, me gustaría reportar una falla que se presento el día de hoy, sin antes mencionar que me gusto mucho su software y que deseo adquirir la licencia.

Comento que tuve que formatear mi computadora recién instale su ultima versión 1.0.02 del programa, anterior mente estuve usando la v.0.8.06 (versión pirata, un amigo que me enseño de estas laser c02 me dio un crack para usarlo)

Lastimosamente ya no me funciona de forma correcta y desconozco que pueda ser, pido su ayuda por favor para solucionarlo, es la primera ve que me sucede y no se si es por la nueva versión del software.

Gracias att: su nuevo cliente.
Adjunto fotos y los datos de soporte que genero el programa.

datos de soporte.txt (5.2 KB)

Estoy usando una maquina lase co2 que un amigo ensamblo.
la placa es makerbase MKS DLC v2.0, controlador CH341 GRBL, WINDOWS10

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